527 South Houston Avenue, Humble, TX 77338
Parish Office: Tel. 281-446-8211
Social Services Office: Tel. 281-540- 1907
Footprints of God, Although our group Virtual Pilgrimage has ended, I encourage you to journey with Steve Ray from the comfort of your own home. This series is hosted on FORMED. Email Ginger if you need help signing in to FORMED. Our parish pays the annual subscription to FORMED so that our parishioners have access to all of the content there.
Join Steve Ray on a journey of discovery to the Holy Land, one which you'll never forget!
Acompáñanos a orar por 15 min a las 9:00 p.m. todas las noches. Las oraciones son dirigidas por y para los jóvenes de diferentes parroquias y universidades.
God, What Every Catholic Should Know
Although our group discussion has ended, I encourage you to read the book, watch my videos, and engage with the Study Guide on your own.
Learn from the Church Fathers how Catholics understand God and draw nearer to the Lord!
Prayer for Pregnant Mothers
Pray for St. Joseph's Help
Novena for Adoption March 10-18
Project Rachel: The Archdiocese offers a number of resources and programs through its Project Rachel ministry to those needing healing following abortion. Program brochures are included in English and Spanish for your review. If you have questions about the Project Rachel Ministry or would like to be more involved, please contact the Office of Pro-Life Activities at 713-741-8728 or [email protected].
Gabriel Project: Volunteers Needed
The Office of Pro-Life Activities is seeking phone volunteers to assist with the Gabriel Project, a ministry for pregnant women and mothers in need. Volunteers will assist mothers and answer questions during initial intake calls. Volunteers should be available for at least one (two-hour) shift per week. Calls may be answered remotely. Training will be provided! If you are interested in helping with this important ministry, please contact Cathy McConn at [email protected] or call the Office of Pro-Life Activities at 713-741-8728 for more information
Nine Days for Life Novena
The annual 9 Days for Life novena takes place from Jan. 21–Jan. 29 to commemorate the Supreme Court decision in Roe v Wade. Our prayers storm Heaven so that the dignity of human life is upheld from conception to natural death. Resources are available in English and in Spanish.
Each day involves special prayers, intentions and suggested actions. Please contact the Office of Pro-Life Activities at 713-741-8728 with any questions.
National Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of the Unborn
In January we mark the years since the Supreme Court’s decision in Roe v. Wade permitting abortions throughout the United States. The USCCB has designated January 22 as a National Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of the Unborn.
Please contact Julie Fritsch at 713-741-8728 or [email protected] for more information. Please see attached flyer.
Nightly Young Adult Prayers
We invite all young adults to join us for prayer every night at 9:00 p.m. for 15 minutes. The prayers are led for and with young adults from different parishes and universities.
Register here: https://tinyurl.com/
Samuel Group: Approaching vocational discernment with peace, joy, and confidence
A discernment group for young women, ages 19-30, who will meet together once a month for six months in order to study, pray and discover their individual vocations or lifetime call from God. The program begins in September and includes refreshments, talks, meditation, adoration, and confession.
Participants in Samuel Group are not simply committing to attend one meeting a month, they are committing to a journey. This means that, outside of the meetings, they must continue contemplating and working on what they learn during the meetings, including discussing their journey and working with a spiritual director.
To register, please use the web link: Samuel Group